John Mortimer is the leading expert in Canada on the rights and responsibilities of employees who may not want to become or remain unionized. He works with Counsel and their Client’s in taking an employee centered approach to union drives and when employees are exercising their statutory rights to decertify a union.
John ran Human Resources departments for companies with employees in Canada and the U.S. for 15 years such as Future Shop, Wendy’s and Colorization (high-tech industry).
John has been a self-employed management consultant since 1999, specializing in transitions and turn-arounds. John has worked with many organizations who had union drives or employees who wanted to decertify a union.
Since 2000, John has served part-time as President of the non-profit Canadian LabourWatch Association. Its mandate is to help employees make informed choices about unionization and access Labour Board process and forms when they do not wish to become or remain unionized.
He has advised Governments, elected officials and Ministry staff on both labour law and the Income Tax Act of Canada regarding union financial disclosure. He has appeared before Canada’s House of Commons and Senate Committees as an expert witness many times.
John is currently a member of an Advisory Committee of the Board of a US based positive employee relations training organization (CUE – previously known as the Council for Union-Free Environments).